中國大陸2010年水產出口量成長29%中國大陸2010年水產總出口量(含海藻)及產值打破前年紀錄,分別創下327萬公噸(17.8%)及133.7億美元 (28.98%)新高;2010年水產進出口總酒店經紀貿易額逼近200億美元。生鮮、冷凍及乾製水產品中,41%為魚片、26%為冷凍全魚、8%為甲殼類(含蝦)及16%為頭足類/軟體動物;加工/附加價值水產品的產量及產值則分別囊括seo24%及33%。中國大陸水產品加工業生鮮原料仍仰賴進口之際,當地去年產的養殖吳郭魚已成功行銷全球高達32.2萬公噸,其中又以生鮮及裹粉魚片(76%)為最大宗;中國大陸有近半售屋網數的吳郭魚銷往美國市場。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 5/2011,15 Mar. 2011)CHINA LEADS GLOBAL FISHERY EXPORTS WITH A 29% RISE IN VALUEThe country yet 房地產had another record level of fishery exports last year compared to the previous years. Totalexports, including seaweed, increased by 17.8% in quantity and 租屋網28.98% in value at 3.27 million MT andUS$13.37 billion in 2010.Among the fresh, frozen and dried product, 41% was fish fillet, 26% frozen fish 關鍵字廣告(whole/dressed), 8%crustaceans including shrimp and 16% cephalopods/mollusks; processed /value added products had 24%and 33% shares in quantity and 賣房子value.While China’s fish processing industry continues to depend on imported raw material, exports of locallyfarmed tilapia expanded worldwide with a 酒店工作322,000 MT sales last year mostly consisted of raw and somebreaded fillets (76%). Nearly half of China’s tilapia exports went to the US market.China’s 買房子combined fishery trade (export and imports) in 2010 was nearly US$20 billion.

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